Perfect in flow

Leuchtschrift mit dynamischem Farbverlauf

To display the animated Bosch Rexroth company logo as a neon sign, Hansen worked with Neon Zentgraf on a sophisticated lighting solution.

The project:
In presentations and online, Bosch Rexroth AG had already been using a logo display for some time in which a colour flow meanders through all the letters as an animated wave.
The company now wanted to bring this effect to life three-dimensionally as a neon sign in order to equip selected locations with it.
In its search for a partner for the implementation, Bosch Rexroth found what it was looking for with the illuminated advertising specialists from Neon Zentgraf.

The task:
The challenge of the project was to let the light "wander" optically through the letters instead of illuminating them statically in one colour at a time. This required a dynamic lighting control system. Neon Zentgraf turned to Hansen to develop this specifically for the task.


The implementation:
This was a tried and tested cooperation, as both companies have been working together for decades. This cooperation began in the days of neon technology and has continued in the LED age. Because Managing Director Klaus Zentgraf knows what he has in Hansen: "The products were exchanged 1:1 with the same consistency and quality loyalty when the medium changed. Thus, Hansen is and remains the leading supplier for us, always demonstrating innovative strength and refining things technically down to the last detail. That's exactly what was needed here!"

While the basic components were already available in Haselund's range, they worked together for eight weeks on programming the RGB controller to achieve optimal colour transitions. For this purpose, a prototype was built and the feedback from various coordination meetings with Bosch Rexroth was in turn fed back to Hansen. "We approached the matter according to the try-and-error principle until the result was perfect," reports Klaus Zentgraf.

An effort that was worthwhile, because the final solution is now used at several locations and at trade fairs.

Since the upper part of the lettering glows white at night, the individual letters are divided into two parts. The lower part contains an LED module with RGB controller.

The mixing of the basic tones as well as the flow speed of the colour change is done by programming by addressing the addresses of the individual modules with the corresponding commands.


Hansen GmbH

Norderstraße 1
D 25855 Haselund
T +49 4843-2009-0

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