Visible from afar and sustainable at the same time

Advertising tower HelloFresh

When it comes to advertising messages that are visible from afar, Leuchtbau relies on LED technology from Hansen. This was also the case with the advertising tower for HelloFresh in Barleben.

HelloFresh SE is a German company founded in 2011 and based in Berlin. It supplies customers with so-called "cooking boxes". In June 2023, a new production building was inaugurated in Barleben, near Magdeburg. The facility covers a total of 31,000 m², making it the largest HelloFresh plant in Europe. There were many arguments in favour of the new HelloFresh site in Barleben: the connection to the A2 motorway is good, new jobs are being created and the region is characterised by agriculture. The focus is on regional, fresh products and the associated short delivery routes.

Sustainability is at the centre of HelloFresh's product range and everyday life. The results of a life cycle assessment analysis show that a meal from HelloFresh produces 22 per cent less CO2 emissions on average across Germany than the same meal prepared with ingredients bought in a supermarket. The company's own warehouses are also supplied with green electricity, and a photovoltaic system with a peak output of over 5 MW, which largely covers the company's energy requirements, is in operation.

The project

Naturally, an advertising tower with a bright HelloFresh logo was planned for the new location to create a long-distance effect. Energy efficiency was also an important factor here.

The Munich-based company LeuchtBau was brought on board as a responsible partner. With many years of experience and over 100 advertising towers installed throughout Germany, LeuchtBau specialises in the development and construction of advertising towers.

The task

Project planning began for LeuchtBau in spring 2021. Height tests were started with the drone, and structural and engineering work was tackled. Planning permission for the advertising tower was granted in May 2022. Planning could therefore continue in detail.

The tower is to be 25 metres high and will be a hybrid construction - concrete mast and attached steel framework. The three HelloFresh advertising spaces are each 18.60 metres wide and 6.50 metres high.

Energy-efficient technology was required for the lighting; the motto was to consume less electricity in the long term. So there was no way around Hansen technology for LeuchtBau. Several advertising tower projects have already been successfully completed together in recent years.

LeuchtBau provided HelloFresh with an amortisation calculation to calculate the initial investment. The 2x100 LED tube from Hansen was the first choice for the lighting and the more cost-effective option in the long term.

"Another huge advantage is the technology of the NEW converter generation (Helene) from Hansen," enthuses Claus Krieger, Managing Director and Head of Advertising Towers at LeuchtBau. "Anyone can quickly interpret the status LED to indicate the operating status and any failures can be rectified in a short time. The NEW generation of converters also has very high energy efficiency. We also added a light-sensitive controller with a timer, which also saves energy."

Saving energy is one thing, but another not insignificant factor comes into play with Hansen technology as an extraordinary advantage: the LEDs are at the top of the tower, but all the technology with ballasts and controllers can be housed below in the converter cabinet at the base of the advertising mast. This makes installation and any subsequent maintenance or replacement of the technology convenient and cost-effective. Nobody has to drive up the mast or even order an expensive crane. This saves a huge amount of time and money.

The realisation

In August 2022, LeuchtBau placed the order with Hansen. The LED tubes were pre-assembled at Hansen's factory in accordance with the order confirmation and the converter cabinets were fitted with the appropriate technology. On schedule, the order was sent to LeuchtBau, who installed the LED tubes in the light boxes and from there it went to the construction site in Barleben.

Now it was up to LeuchtBau to complete the advertising tower. In November 2022, the time had come: the HelloFresh advertising tower was ready to light up.

Tim Hansen, Managing Director of Hansen GmbH, summarises: "Our customers are becoming more and more aware of energy-efficient LED systems. We are delighted to have a long-standing partner in LeuchtBau, who sees this as an opportunity just as much as we do."

All Hansen components installed here are part of GREEN LIGHT TECHNOLOGY.

Series connection is the magic word here, with which energy consumption and thusCO2 emissions can be reduced.

Hansen issues a certificate for projects that are realised with GREEN LIGHT TECHNOLOGY components, as was the case here.

3 x illuminated banners each 18,600 mm x 6,500 mm
LED tube 2x100 in series connection incl. accessories

Power consumption: 1.2 kW
LED converter C100/990D MP (Helene)
Light-sensitive controller 0-10 V DIN rail with timer

The result

The total connected load of all three banners is 3.6 kW with Hansen technology. Compared to conventional 12 volt technology, more than 50% energy consumption can be saved, according to calculations by LeuchtBau from Munich.
You can rely on Hansen technology, according to the installation manager at LeuchtBau


Hansen GmbH

Norderstraße 1
D 25855 Haselund
T +49 4843-2009-0

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