The converters are designed for the operation of LEDs. In contrast to the power supplies for extra-low voltage, these converters supply a series connection of LEDs. The LED current is constant, so the LEDs cannot be overloaded and always shine evenly. Another advantage is the high energy efficiency. The supply cable from the converter to the LEDs can be somewhat longer (up to 100 metres).
- Series with 25, 50 or 100 mA LED current are offered with an output of 7.5 watts to 100 watts. Some types are dimmable with a control voltage of 0 - 10 volts.
The converters are fully encapsulated and suitable for indoor and outdoor use. The housing is made of plastic. All converters have a line connection for the mains input and the LED output. - Series with 500 or 700 mA LED current is available with an output of 12 watts to 250 watts. Some types are dimmable with a control voltage of 0 - 10 volts.
The converters are fully potted and suitable for indoor and outdoor use. The 150 and 250 watt converters have a metal housing, lower wattage converters have a plastic housing. All converters have a line connection for the mains input and the LED output. - NOW NEW:
benefit from the advantages of our NEW converter generation: smaller design, high energy efficiency, low self-heating.
Converter for series connection of LEDs
- fully encapsulated IP67
- fire protection class B1 (DIN 4102) flame retardant, self-extinguishing
- short-circuit and open-circuit-proof
- Overload protection
- constant output current
- Cable connections